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04 February 2013

Art & Design Students are giving life to MCAST Corridors

The MCAST Art and Design Institute wanted to make a big change to their environment. They wanted to make their school building more attractive and fun.

Malta, Mosta
Liters of paint

The MCAST Art and Design Institute wanted to make a big change to their environment. They wanted to make their school building more attractive and fun.

The corridors of the school were always painted white, and the idea to transform them into fresh and colourful spaces went down really well. Students were asked to design three corridors in their school and then proceed to actually implement the change and create their new environment.

“The fact that we now have different colours is going to be a first time experience since the school is an old building with a more historical feel. I believe that this is going to be a wonderful experience for the students, and I hope that they will enjoy a more colourful life” (MCAST Art & Design Director – Stephen Vella).

“There is a huge difference from having white walls with no life, to walls with colour. The walls are more alive and vibrant. Since it’s a school of Art & Design we believe that colour is important to us” (Student – Miguel).

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