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20 June 2012

Hotel for children who normally could not go on holidays

The Heppie Hotel is built for children who normally are unable to go on holiday due to certain circumstances.

Netherlands, Mierlo
Liters of paint

The Heppie Hotel is built for children who normally are unable to go on holiday due to certain circumstances. The Let’s Colour project team were proud to be able to sponsor this great initiative, something that we feel is very close to our own ideas.

More than 1,000 litres of colourful paint were sponsored towards this great cause, with the resulting redecoration consisting of a range of greens, oranges, reds, yellows and blues, in an attempt to create a totally different environment from the home these children have come from.

Thanks to everyone that lent their support to this great cause. On June 20th, after 3 years of preparation, the team were able to open up the Heppie Hotel to many happy children, along with various teachers, mentors and volunteers.

Colour is one thing you can’t skip when it comes to an institution like the Heppie Hotel, and as the long awaited opening took place, you could see the impact it was having on the many children that were hoping to be able to soon spend a night there.

Find out more about Flexa in the Netherlands here.

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